Set up

  1. Create a virtualenv with python 3.6:

    virtualenv -p python3 .venv

  2. Active the virtualenv:

    source .venv/bin/activate

  3. Install the Python dependencies:

    make requirements-dev

Create release

  1. Make sure the is up to date with changes made by approved PRs since the last release.

  2. According to the changes made in the project, define which version will be published and run:

    - `make release-patch` If they are small changes or bugfixes - `make release-minor` If new features are changed or have major changes - `make release-major` If the changes show compatibility breaches with previous versions

  3. Update master with updated changelog and new generated tag:

    git push git push --tags

  4. On github, edit the newly released release and update it with the version information on